Saturday 19 March 2011

Time Flies

Wow, nearly 5 months since my first post, where does the time go?  Really haven't put the time in to this that I had meant to due to work and homelife commitments.  Photography has had to take a back seat but now more time is becoming available I hope to be updating this more often.

Spending time watching David Hobby's (aka the Strobist) lighting DVD I'm determined to get my head around off camera lighting in different situations and lighting environments.  One project I have coming up is taking some shots of a designer fabric shop for them to use on their website.  They have incandescent, fluorescent and daylight at different parts of the shop which will make things interesting!

Should have the photo's up in the next few weeks, then it's off on a cruise around the Mediterranean for 2 weeks.  Still deciding whether or not to buy a superzoom travel lens like the tamron 18-270 to avoid lots of lens changes or to keep the cash and go for a 24-70 2.8L later this year.

Anyway here's one of my latest shots using orange and blue gels on opposite sides with a soft box and umbrella to soften the flashes.